Joseph Gordon-Levitt Finally Responds, Why Isn’t He Batman?

I’m about to dole out some amazing The Dark Knight Rises spoilers, so if you’ve never seen that film, and want to preserve your geeky chastity, then look away!

Alright, for you few initiated members of geek culture who’ve actually watched the flick, let’s talk about the whole “Why won’t Joseph Gordon-Levitt be Batman in Batman vs Superman?”. After the finale of The Dark Knight Rises, Warner Bros. pretty obviously expressed interest in rebooting the entire franchise, although a tiny sliver of hope remained for a bit of Nolan continuity. Since that great fanboy messiah christened Gordon-Levitt as the cinematic successor of Batman, shouldn’t he have been considered for the role in Batman vs Superman?

Well, here’s what the thespian had to say about the matter (as he talks to David Letterman):

I was only in one on them. But Christopher Nolan, the filmmaker, made three Batman movies, and in the ending, what you’re referring to is the character I play who’s named John Robin Blake is in the Batcave at the end. I’m assuming everyone’s seen the movie. I apologize if I spoiled the movie. I apologize if anyone hasn’t seen it yet because I just ruined the ending, but Dave (Letterman) already spoiled it, so it’s not my fault. But that’s what you’re referring to. And I just think it’s a good ending to those movies.

And it talks about in all three of the movies…it talks about how Batman is more than a man. It’s a symbol, and we all have a hero inside of us, so passing the mantle onto another person, another man, I think was a really good ending