Death Star Run Vertigo-ed

Alright, we’ve been on a bit of a Star Wars binge lately, but can you blame us? Fan flicks and video mash ups go around in cycles, and it looks like we’re in the middle of this year’s first. Which leads me to a very important note…do you know what Vertigo-ing is, yet?

Well, just like the immensely popular ‘Sweded’ versions of films that became popular in the wake of Be Kind Rewind, Vertigo-ing is a stylistic type of take on classic films. Just take the clip of your choice, replace the film’s original soundtrack with the one from Vertigo, and voila! It sounds like a really simple feat, and it is, but it still makes a great video.

Check out the Vertigo-ed version of the Death Star Run below:


What’d you think? Sound off in the comments below.