CONFIRMED: Robert Downey Jr To Return As Iron Man In THE AVENGERS Sequels

Remember the months and months of fanboy worrying about whether Robert Downey Jr would return as everyone’s favourite playboy, Tony Stark, after his contract ended with Iron Man 3 in May? Yeah, we all do.

Who also remembers the INTENSE fanboy worries when Deadline revealed several of Marvel’s key actors, including RDJ, Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johannsen were threatening to walk from the company over pay disputes?

Well, we worried about nothing. Just minutes ago, Marvel broke the news that contract negotiations with RDJ on returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been successful, and the actor will reprise his role as Tony Stark/Iron Man in both The Avengers 2 and 3. Sadly no mention of an Iron Man 4, but I don’t think anyone was really desperate to see that.

Man, what I would do to get even a fraction of whatever he’s getting paid for this…

All fears can now be put to rest. Iron Man will stay on the big screen through to at least 2018/19, with Robert Downey Jr playing him. This means that by the time Avengers 3 rolls around, it’ll be his seventh appearance in the role. That’s Hugh Jackman numbers.

What do you think? Are you as tremendously excited as we are? Share your thoughts below!

SOURCE: Marvel