Clark Gregg Comments On The S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Show

Clark Gregg must feel terrible knowing that just a few months after his murder at the hands of Loki, Marvel announced that Joss Whedon would write and direct a SHIELD TV show, not featuring Agent Coulson. When asked about the show at the ‘Toronto Film Festival, the actor was surprised, as he was unaware that the show was even being made. Read his comments below:

Really? Joss is going to do what I’m sure will be a really cool, insanely funny, exciting ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ TV show with Coulson on a slab, wherever the S.H.I.E.L.D. grave yard is?”

When asked if he was sure that Coulson was definitely dead, he replied:

“It’s funny. I was watching … some of the scenes from Avengers where everyone is like Coulson’s down. Agent Coulson’s down. And there’s a lot of blood. And I’m thinking, you know what? I might be kind of dead,” the actor said with a laugh. “I’m having to [accept my fate]. I’m scared that I’m going to go to ‘Thor,’ and they’re going to have Agent Coulson’s funeral. I got way too attached to this character.”

“I’m excited. I’ll be watching it every week, but it’s a cruel twist of fate.”

I hope we see some flashbacks of Coulson, as I REALLY want to see more of him (he’s just awesome). He must be pretty bummed that he’s not on the show. What do you think? Share your thoughts below.