Is This The Origin of INHUMANS at Marvel Studios? AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON?

Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige has long supported the idea of an Inhumans movie. While the general public might not be too familiar with these Moon dwelling superheroes, Feige’s convinced that a Game of Thrones style flick would be the perfect introduction. Blackbolt, Medusa, Crystal and the rest of the gang would supply the heavy handfuls of court intrigue, while the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe provides the perfect contrast. You know, because of The Avengers all around goofiness.

While the traditional origin story of the Inhumans is a convoluted affair, new events in ABC’s Agents of SHIELD might provide us some insight into the live action iteration of the characters. In the comics, the Inhumans are the result of the Kree Aliens’ experiments on prehistoric human beings. Those greenish blue extraterrestrials traveled to Earth, messed around with our DNA, and created an entire race of superpowered folk.

Well, in the Agents of SHIELD show, while they’ve yet to confirm any relation to the Inhumans, some real weird stuff’s been happening with the Kree. Chloe Bennett, the actress who plays Skye (or, as I like to refer to her, “the warm hearted girl who teaches the meaning of friendship to all of the mean secret agents”) stated that the mysterious blue corpse of recent episodes is actually a Kree. If you remember, SHIELD scientist studied and experimented with the ol’ blue one in order to create a life-saving serum. Agent Coulson first benefitted from it, following his spear-through-the-heart at the hands of Loki. Skye was next saved by it. Or, at least, that’s what I’ve been told. I quit on the series a few months ago. If I wanted to see Buffy The Super Villain Slayer, I would’ve jumped in the Delorean and set the dial for 98. Would it’ve been that difficult to make a serious, gritty show about super spies? Seriously, Whedon.

agents of shield kree

blue alien agents of shield

In any case, the combination of Kree and Human DNA, in any form, is a recipe for Inhumans. We heard from our Marvel source only a few weeks ago that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch would owe their cinematic origins to an adaptation of the Inhumans. Combine that bit of news with the leaked after credit scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier (SPOILERS ahead!!!) in which Baron Von Strucker refers to the superpowered siblings as experiment survivors, and I’m even more suspicious. If Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are meant to be Inhumans, and this after credit scene suggests that they received their powers from experimentation, then will the Cinematic version of the Inhumans be the result of a Kree based serum? Kree based genetic splicing?

I think so. What do you say on the matter?

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