TEEN TITANS GO! “Burger vs. Burrito” Review

Have you ever had an argument with a friend about what the best food in the whole world is? Well, I bet even if you have, it went nothing like this! Spoilers.

In this segment, Beast Boy (Greg Cipes) and Cyborg (Khary Payton) face the ultimate test of their friendship when they realize that they don’t agree on what the best food is! Cyborg loves his burgers, but Beast Boy is more of a burrito guy. This can’t stand, so the two decide to have a food contest!

Am I the only one who got a SMOSH Food Battle vibe from this? Except that this is even more over-the-top! At first, Beast Boy and Cyborg decide to do silly tests, like seeing which food is more aero-dynamic, or which food is more heat-resistant.

My favorite one was the taste test, because the judges really couldn’t decide. I can see why. Burgers and burritos are both good food. How can you choose?

But the climax is the best part! Cyborg and Beast Boy create a burger and burrito monster, respectively, and have them duke it out, Pokémon style. No seriously, the two guys will yell out food-themed attacks, and the monsters will do them. And it is pretty awesome. After all, when you have an attack called “Tomato Time-Bomb”, you can’t go wrong.

I also admire how the writers avoided the temptation to add burping or farting jokes. There aren’t any here, and for me, that raises the score. I guess my only real complaint is that the ending is a bit of a cop out, but ah well. Again…how can you choose between burger and burrito?