GEEK FUEL is a monthly comic con in a box subscription service that will run you $23.90 a month with shipping included.  If you order multiple boxes at once though you will be hooked up with various discounts and bonuses. Is September’s box worth the cash?  You be the judge


Subscribers were promised a Bob’s Burger’s item, and we received a variant #1 issue of the comic that sold far better than projected due to solid the show’s writers heavy involvement. GEEK FUEL subscribers know they can also rely on a new steam game each month.  September’s crate included a retro infused shooter, Roche Fusion.


An Ares 3 Mission button is included this month from the new Ridley Scott film staring Matt Damon, The Martian.  While not too flashy it’s a nice little extra to celebrate the upcoming flick.  I was blown away by the Doctor Who ice cube tray from Think Geek.  I bought a Han Solo in carbonite tray from Think Geek years ago that was just too small to be cool.  The ice TARDIS and Daleks you make from this will each be large enough to for a standard sized scotch.  These are great.


I was hoping for a little Force Awakens action this month, and was thrilled to unravel this print.  The image is by Erik Scarecrow and pretty damn cool.  Fifty lucky subscribers received a signed and numbered variant that deserves a nice frame.


The most unique item this month is Nailed It!, a set of nerdy press on nails.  These seem to be high quality, and I have only one negative comment about its inclusion.  On the crate break down card and item itself it is clearly labeled for girls, and even states if you have a Y chromosome you should give these to a girl.   So let me say here and now, fellas if you want to wear these do so.  And if you’re a girl or woman who doesn’t want to, don’t.  Anyone who is uncomfortable with this should find a calendar and realize what century you are in.


As someone with a Boba Fett decal on his car’s bumper and a glove box full of Bowie CDs (yeah CDs I know, I’m old shut up) this shirt is great.  Mash ups don’t always work for me, but this one is my new favorite shirt.

So is this month’s GEEK FUEL worth you cash?  As always it depends on your affinity for the franchises included. What I will say is that as far bang for your buck goes this is a pretty safe investment.

M.R. Gott wants to believe, but is never able to