UTF Awards

Hello all, it’s time for the very first UTF Awards!

I’m your host, Palmer Rubin. I got the job of being the host by being the guy who was told to write about the best and worst of 2013. And granted, it’s been a hell of an interesting year for pop culture, and an interesting year for everyone’s favorite website ever, Unleash the Fanboy. You may now applaud.

To help you with this, we've provided you with a photo of one of the sexiest actors ever.

To help you with this, we’ve provided you with a photo of one of the sexiest actors ever.

We’ve had our successes, we’ve had our failures, we’ve had all the weird shit that’s happened in between those successes and failures, and over the next few days, we’re going to take you through all those experiences, one by one, and even introduce you to some movies you haven’t seen yet.

Before we continue, this awards show applies to movies only. Sowwy guys.

However, since we’re dealing with culture in more of a geek attitude, critical darlings like 12 Years a Slave and American Hustle and The Wolf Of Wall Street will not be included here. That being said, all three are excellent and you should watch them.

So be sure to tune in tomorrow for the very first UTF Award! It’s going to be rather offbeat. We’ll conclude with our personal choice for the top film of 2013. And may 2014 provide us with even more kickass films.


BONUS: Because we love you guys so much, we’ve got an extra something! Our dear writer Marcell has got the top anime shows from this year all prepped up and ready to launch, so expect that article soon.