X #0 Review

Mob war time fellas! I spent a lot of time just staring at the computer after reading this. What can I say about this piece? It’s really f*&$ing good. That’s it. That’s all I’ve got to say on the matter.

The official description from Dark Horse:

Three crime lords in the decaying city of Arcadia have received photographic death sentences from the mysterious “X Killer.” Their cunning defenses won’t stop Arcadia’s vigilante from making sure each one of them suffers. From the pages of Dark Horse Presents.

I’m enthralled and want to know more. And maybe that’s why I’m left with nothing but a plea for everyone to run out and read this. I can’t. I just can’t. There is nothing said about his back story. There is nothing but a big WHY in my head. I’m excited to see this story play out and I hope it runs for a very long time.

The story by Duane Swierczynski (can I buy a vowel?) comes across to this reviewer as very classic. We’ve got a dark hero with a mysterious vendetta against some bad guys. Without knowing much more than that, it was easy to get excited at all the blood and gore. The comic is very dialogue driven and I appreciate that. But more than that, I enjoy that I didn’t get bored by overly long conversations or too many details at once. And if, by chance, you have the attention span of a small rodent, this comic will bring you right back in with a few severed limbs.

The Art by Eric Nguyen is hyper-realistic and pairs well with the writing. Maybe I’m a little twisted, but the blood and bullets are just fabulous here. I particularly loved a panel that can only be described as shooting fish in a barrel.  It was a fire fight!! Quoting Boondock Saints is entirely necessary with this comic. In fact, if you like that film (and you all better) than you’ll love this.

I’m giving X #0 a 4.5 out of 5. The only gripe I have with it  is that I will have to wait until next month to maybe, just maybe, find out more about the X killer.


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