The Colonized #1 Review

Who needs The Walking Dead or Alien vs Predator when you can have Colonize!?

The official description for IDW:

Part 1: “Minutemen in Black” – In this all-new miniseries, a spaceship crashes into a separatist camp and manages to reanimate the dead as well! It’s aliens vs. zombies vs. militiamen in a carnage-filled tale from the co-creator of Zombies vs Robots! And if that ain’t enough, covers for this series will be by acclaimed Cerebus creator, Dave Sim!

I feel like this comic is a clash of so many things. Think The Village as your main setting. Then throw in aliens. Add a dash of zombie apocalypse and you have a hit! I was honestly afraid to read this comic. I thought it was going to be cheesy and cartoonish. But despite so many different elements coming into play, I was really entertained.

Writer Chris Ryall did a wonderful job with the dialogue here. It was extensive, but it read like a movie. I felt like I couldn’t read it fast enough and would rather be watching it unfold on my television. I thoroughly enjoyed the moment when all the characters came together. Aliens, zombies, and country folk all meeting at once is a hard thing to pull off. Especially from the human and alien perspectives. Not that the zombies don’t have any controversial opinions on the matter. I highly applaud the organization of the conversations in that scene. The only thing I don’t understand are the redneck, yet earth friendly and forward thinking, human beings. But I’m sure that will be explained in the future.

Artist Drew Moss has my attention. It’s not overly realistic, it’s not cartoony. In all reality, the art needs to be subdued with everything being thrown at the reader. I expect to see growth in the detailing in the future. But other than that, it plays along with the writing very well.

The Colonized #1 will definitely be something that I look forward to for a fun read every month!


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