The Answer! #3 Review

Our characters are stuck in some very compromising positions as this mini-series delivers its penultimate release, but is it still a tale worth following?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

While Devin is living out her dream, working among the greatest minds in the world, the Answer is stuck in a nuthouse nightmare! They’ll both have to wake up and work together if they’re going to unravel the secrets of the enigmatic BRAIN TRUST.

The world of the Answer has certainly delivered an engaging and sometimes uproarious romp but in this latest issue things take a bit of a turn as the overall quality of the series rises.  With each panel and page the creative team proves their gumption as torture and moments of unabashed hilarity ensue.

Dennis Hopeless pens the script and the author simply hits every scene out of the park.  Whether our hero is about to be interrogated or a disgruntled co-worker that’s lost her mind is attempting to warn people of the evils of this specific facility, he quite handily realizes natural flowing dialogue.  I was instantly enthralled by the interactions and reactions as the text found those right aspects to attack is this complicated but compelling story arc.  There were some minor moments where jokes did not deliver but these were few and far between.

The art by Mike Norton is plain but intricately designed as he realizes a dynamic experience that yields a stark rendition of this specific world.  His abilities construct a visual pattern that reminds me of old school comics as he slowly but surely realizes that right level of consistency to even nail quite a few of the gags in this jaunt.  In short I don’t have much to complain about here as this component is handled brilliantly by this unique talent.

The Answer! #3 may offer up some nuggets of information about certain aspects of the story, but the star here is what the creative team has fashioned.  There’s comedy, action, drama and intrigue that add together and easily yield a tale that comes highly recommended.


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