Unity #7 Review

In Unity #7 Dr. Silk’s plans to brainwash the planet is underway and Unity must set in to stop it. This is the Unity team at it’s best!

Official description from VALIANT:
The final deathtrap of Dr.. Silk! Ninjak’s ultimate enemy has drawn his web tight around X-O Manowar and the rest of Valiant’s unbreakable all-star superteam, and now they’re about to find out how the globe’s most brilliantly depraved mind doles out revenge. ‘Trapped by Webnet” cuts to an action-packed conclusion, and no one will escape Dr. Silk’s grasp unscathed!

Unity #7 is off the charts in action and violence but Matt Kindt makes that necessary for the team if they stand a chance to defeat Dr. Silk and his virus. This is a perfect example of the Valiant universe. It’s action packed but rarely black and white when dealing with issues of what a hero must do to stop the villain. Dr. Silk’s plan takes shape right off the bat over London and Aric must do the unthinkable to stop it. It’s a scene that sets the stage for the action that is still to come.

UNITY_007_COVERThis is Kindt making this team cohesive and capable when each must fight on their own for a common goal. Livewire’s ability to track Silk’s location is a great showcase of her skills as is Ninjak’s deadly fight as Livewire guides him along. This is some of Ninjak’s best action scenes in a while. It’s a literal showcase of awesomeness! Gilad the Eternal Warrior is in Mexico city tracking his own prey and encounters a new ally in shutting Silk down. She is a welcome addition to the fold for this issue and just as deadly and aggressive as the rest of the team.

Cafu engages in some simply awesome pages here. The action, brutality and skill is highly detailed and while chaotic very easy to follow. All the main action is high-impact and creates quite the page turner. You linger though on some of the more powerful moments Cafu places on the page and they are well worth it.

Kindt dishes out a masterfully fun, exciting and engulfing issue. There’s plenty of action but his set-up and delivery moving into the next issue as well is just as exciting. This is one of the single best issues of Unity where this team is finally making moves as opposed to reacting to the them. It showcases all their talents and brings the team closer together as a whole. Unity #7 is the team book that Kindt has really brought to the forefront of the Valiant universe as the team grows by leaps and bounds since issue #1.

  • + Outstanding and exciting action
  • + Biggest growth of the team so far
  • + Cafu's art!
  • + Fantastic set-up moving toward next issue

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