Well, it has all come down to this, and it is an epic moment in “Three”. Read on to fine out.
Official Description:
It comes down to this: three versus three hundred at the border of Sparta. The men who’d keep them slaves versus the three who would be free. The historical epic reaches its bloody denouement. The end of a story, the start of a legend.
So, this is fantastic issue and a fantastic series that has had its ups and downs but, overall, it has been a great story that I have enjoyed. I don’t think that that it is something that should be taken lightly. I do love the fact that this story is something different than 300 and the Spartans are kind of bad guys in this, so it is nice to see the difference. In this issue, we see our three heroes facing against an army. There is a lot of bloodshed and fighting that adds nicely to the story. There is a lot of desperation because of the situation and the ending is very epic and very satisfying for the story. I do love this and think that it is worth every panel. I won’t ruin the ending but please read it.
The writing for this series is serious and intentful. There is a point, where I was worried that it took itself too seriously but it has a nice balance. I do think that it is a very interesting style and full of fun. I think the way that the story is and the way the develops, this writer is someone to watch out for.
The art is nice and bloody. I am a fan of the bloodshed and gore seen in comics. The way that it is shown in this comic is pure art and it is fantastic.
Three #5 is a great way to end the arc and hopefully we will see more from this team.
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