Morning Glories #40 Review

Will there ever be any answers? Or is time to give up on this franchise? Read on to find out.

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Morning Glories 40_Preview PageI always walk away from any issue of Morning Glories feeling both confused and strangely enlightened. Maybe it’s because of that innate push and pull that the creative team keeps my attention, as they offer narrative nuggets and clues about what exactly is going on here. The key thing in any mystery series is that the elements therein need to not feel like cheap attempts at shock value. To hold onto a savvy audience during a monthly commitment they need to deliver a tale that’s not based on false pretenses.

Nick Spencer pens the script and once again the author takes the opportunity to further dissect one member of the student population. Ian Simon is the real focus as the first edition of The Answer arrives to the interest of their classmates. The important thing to remember, even as the teachers bring in some distractions, is that the scribe wants to tell us the truth but we have to survive theories of reality to gleam a hint or two of it. To be frank we’re nowhere near any solid answers but the further examination and attempt at understanding of this Academy is what keeps interest in this title alive. And yes it’s still good.

The visuals handed in by Joe Eisma maintain the already established level of quality. The easiest way to describe the talent’s unique approach to this confounding literary construct is minimalist with an almost dream like finish to it. As questions of existence come into play I can’t help but notice that the colors offered up by Paul Little maintain a light impact which adds to an unspoken layer of consistency. The features therein echo from the first page to the final panel.

Morning Glories #40 represents a long running conundrum. There’s a lot of pieces to this puzzle but consistent dialogue and a finely tuned plot keep audience members focused on the here and now. For that it deserves a recommendation.

  • + Joe Eisma nails the visuals.
  • + Solid dialogue by Nick Spencer.
  • + Ian turned into an interesting player.
  • - Needs more resolution for its questions...

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