Was this a necessary relaunch? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

John Carter: Warlord of Mars returns in a new monthly series, officially authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.! Superstar writer Ron Marz finally gets to pen the series he has always wanted to write, with amazing new art talent Abhishek Malsuni joining him. Return to the exotic landscape of Barsoom, as John Carter has to save his adopted world, not to mention his beloved Dejah Thoris, from an enemy like no other he has ever faced. John Carter must truly become Warlord of Mars against an adversary who is every bit his equal on the savage red planet. An amazing new era for John Carter of Mars starts here!

John Carter-Warlord of Mars 1_Variant CoverWhen it comes to the science fiction genre there are certain properties that have been named as largely influential to today’s industry. And with that in mind, the current creative team, hashes out a narrative that recognizes its #1 status while honoring the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs by giving us a comic that knows its boundaries.

Ron Marz pens a script where we see Dejah Thoris in dire straits while all of Barsoom is stuck in the middle of a planet wide invasion. We have a brand new alien race taking on the likes of John Carter, Tars Tarkas and their military forces. The dialogue can be a bit stiff but for the most the scribe gave each character just enough room to breath. Add in the fact that the villains are lead by a mysterious antagonist with a defined history with our Jeddak and there’s no doubt that this iteration of Walord of Mars is off to a promising start.

What really makes this beginning with a few interesting wrinkles interesting is the visual side of its journey. I have never heard of Abhishek Malsuni but after this issue this talent has quickly become someone to watch in an medium overpopulated with gifted illustrators. Each page is lavished with detail and form, where players fit who they are while expressing reactions that flow with the intent of the written word. Add in the colors by Nanjan Jamberi and there’s no doubt this is one book that deserves a look.

John Carter: Warlord of Mars #1 is a sturdy start for a franchise that earns a spot on your pull-list. It’s not perfect but it is recommended.

  • + Worthwhile start to a war on Barsoom.
  • Ron Marz has a firm grasp on the cast.
  • + Had amazing art by Abhishek Malsuni.
  • - The dialogue was a bit off at times...

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