Captain Midnight #20 Review

Will there be another World War? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

The final arc of Captain Midnight!

Captain Midnight’s on the hunt for the greatest threat this world has ever known. The Archon is out there, but who is he, and what does he want? Midnight will have to rely on the ever-dangerous and unlikeliest of allies, Helios, to get the information he needs. But that knowledge lies deep within the heart of Project Black Sky’s most secret compound.

Captain Midnight 20_Preview PageMarked for Death is lead by a creative team that effortlessly charts a collision course within the Project Black Sky line of books. At this point there’s no denying the quality of the comic in our hands, because after twenty issues I’m still frantically flipping through its pages as I eagerly wait to find out what happens next. I have to hand it to the folks behind it: I’m rather impressed.

Joshua Williamson pens the script and if there’s one truth that comes out of this volume it’s that he has an innate mastery of the superhero genre. And as stands right now we’ve reached the eleventh hour of Jim Albright‘s temporal hi-jinks with the fate of the world caught in the balance. Seriously this outing bleeds costume vigilante, in the kindest fashion, with an author that offers up wit, moral questions and plenty of heart before reaching its cliffhanger finish.

The visual work by Michael Broussard is stunning to say the least. Characters pop off the page as they keep up with the cadence of the written word without hindering the forward progression of the narrative. Each page is lavished in detail, so much so that the colors by Javier Mena almost become secondary distractions. In short: the pictures are pretty and act as a sturdy enough reason to keep this title on your pull-list.

Captain Midnight #20 is a downright engaging yarn that pushed our protagonist forward while asking him tough questions. Smart text plus dazzling style equals a comic that begs for attention and more than earns it in my book. Recommended.

  • + Smart questions.
  • + Brilliant visuals.
  • + Engaging script.
  • - Ends a bit quick...

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