After three issues can this homage to retro gaming classics be a true contender in 2014? Read on to find out.
The official description from Image:
Rock is in his biggest pickle yet! Taken captive on an alien world, his only chance is to fight and try to find a way back home! This may be it for our street hero. MEANWHILE: Bear and Lex go out for dinner.
I began this with a question and before I dive into what works within this narrative let me just answer it and say: yes. The creative team has something on their hands, as folks who look back fondly on the old school fighter and beat ’em up arcade brawlers will surely find something to love in this journey.
It’s a simple by the numbers tale that works best when dabbling in moments that may not be wholly original but almost always bring its audience back to an 8 or 16-bit era. The script is functional thanks to the talent of the two men behind it, Daniel Freedman and Sina Grace. They bring this mini to a close while giving up just enough material to set up the forthcoming monthly title, Burn the Orphanage: Reign of Terror. That doesn’t mean that this adventure is all about the future, instead we’re given another uproarious romp that references classic material while forging its own unique path.
The art by Sina Grace has got to be my favorite park of this whole experience. The talent just knows how to echo the material that inspired these visualizations while giving his own spin. There are some off moments here and there but for the most part the pencils are up to the task as they deliver some decidedly engrossing video game inspired renditions. Add in the colors by John Rauch and you get a release that I can gleefully praise with or without the text it supports.
Burn the Orphanage: Born to Lose #3 is not high brow entertainment. But if you’re like me and games for Sega Genesis helped form your childhood than this book is for you. Recommended.
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