Batwoman #32 Review

Is there enough going on in Gotham to distract and accommodate the current troubles of this masked avenger? Read on to find out.

The official description from DC:

At last, Nocturna makes her presence in The New 52 known! And Batwoman must face her past when her former girlfriend from West Point comes to town!

Batwoman 32_Preview PageWhen this creative team took over their opening moments were slightly bumpy. But after this issue I’d say it’s clear that they’ve found their footing, with a narrative path that’s both interesting and befitting our protagonist. From beginning to end the odyssey that this costumed vigilante faces is a bit campy but also a crossroads that’s bound to get people invested as more problems rise to the surface.

Marc Andreyko pens the script and the author throws a curve-ball into the life of Kate Kane. He brings in an old flame that not only represents a different time in our heroine’s life but offers a glimpse at a different path that she could have realized. It creates an instant source of tension in a time when things with her fiancée, Maggie Sawyer, are rocky. It all reaches a rather interesting cliffhanger that pushes Batwoman into the cross-hairs of a player bathed in the realm of the vampire. In short: this body of text engages its audience while building toward future arcs.

The illustrations by Jeremy Haun are absolutely striking as the seasoned talent proves why he’s someone worth paying attention to. He might have made his name working with properties like Artifacts and The Darkness but in this issue he shows how far his abilities have come. He delivers Gotham in the light of horror and it looks amazing. Each panel is covered in elaborate details and then the pencil strokes are further enhanced thanks to the colors done by Guy Major.

Batwoman #32 continues an era that remains engrossing as this team gets to strut their narrative legs. There’s a lot of worth as far as the plot goes, so if you’re a fan or not this might just be a New 52 book for you. Recommended.

  • + The art by Jeremy Haun is awesome.
  • + Marc Andreyko nails a solid script.
  • + Batwoman prowls the night sky.
  • - Bits of dialogue are a bit stiff...

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