Kick-Ass 3 #4 Review

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Does the series, now in its third volume, still pack enough power to hold an audience?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Marvel:

Dissension in the ranks! Kick-Ass has had it up to HERE with the newest (and laziest) member of Justice Forever. But when he finally takes a stand…will the rest of the team back him up? Also, the super-villain formerly known as Red Mist faces an education from the most terrifying crime boss in the Genovese family.

Kick-Ass 3 4_CWhat’s the best course of action when your team feels some underlying tensions?  For costumed vigilantes it seems that its inevitable that a split is coming, and that’s what happens here, but trust me the creative team handles the transition in a way that more than works.

The script by Mark Millar carries the voice that followers of the ongoing saga are likely to recognize. It’s a street level superhero romp that sees dissension in a gallery of characters that evoke the feelings of modern comic enthusiasts.  The social references go a long well in proving the worth of the odyssey as the author plays with familiar words and current discussions within the community.  He highlights a warm but familiar level of discourse that’s sure to be a welcome sight to even the most discerning fanboy or fangirl.  In short: this is a rock solid fourth entry that does a lot of things right.

John Romita Jr. impresses with his uncanny art style.  From the first page to the final panel the surefire pencil strokes evoke a correct level of emotion in order to sell us all on the ideas we’re flipping through.  Whether he’s called on for a face to face confrontation or an iconic character strapped down and injured he’s got the chops to nail a very unique look and feel.  Fans know all to well his overall design sense and this latest release is no different.

Kick-Ass 3 #4 is a really good comic book that continues to develop the characters and play with the classic superhero tropes that we’ve all come to know and love.  Recommended.



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