Jericho: Season 4 #2 Review

Despite the delay the latest issue continuing the road set forth by the ill-fated series is here, but is this comic book worthy of the devotion of dedicated fans?  Read on to find out.

The official description from IDW:

Jake and Hawkins grow more entrenched with John Smith, mastermind of the September Attacks and the only man capable of operating The Precipice—a key element to defeating the Allied States. As Smith spearheads a daring new resistance mission to strike back at the ASA, Jake and Hawkins grow wary of what Smith’s ulterior motives might be. But that’s not all they have to worry about because Smith isn’t just getting involved in their rebellion… he’s finding his own place in the town of Jericho and infiltrating every part of their lives…

And there’s nothing they can do to stop him.

When attempting to continue a canceled property in another medium there are certain hurdles that need to be to dealt with.  First and foremost is the translation of the previously continuing narrative.  By that I mean, how much do you actually bring over to a potentially new or uninitiated audience?  For each creative team the answer is guaranteed to be different and in this case it’s rather self evident.

Kalinda Vazquez does an absolutely outstanding job transitioning the typical dialogue usually associated with this franchise while leading our heroes into familiar but fresh territory.  The character development combined with complex and yet simple story telling mechanics are clearly present as the author seamlessly builds toward the future of the now divided United States.  From beginning to end this release is exactly what fans who have been clamoring to continue this saga will surely enjoy.

The art by Andrew Currie is impressive throughout as he seamlessly translates the look and feel of the show while crafting his own interpretations of the designs and sets therein.  There are moments where the attempt to recreate the principal cast leads to some awkward looking faces but these were few and far between.  Overall the work on display is top notch.

Jericho: Season 4 #2 may have taken awhile to arrive but it was worth the wait. Recommended.


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