FIRST LOOK: The cover for Cyber Force #2

Top Cow recently announced the return of one of their classic properties, Cyber Force (you can read our original article here).  The first issue doesn’t hit stores until October, but today via their Kickstarter page they sharred the black and white rendition of the second issue’s cover.

Matt Hawkins Top Cow Productions, Inc. President and Chief Operating Officer posted this message along with the cover:

Attached is Marc’s cover for Cyber Force #2.  Stryker!  I’m going to talk to Marc this weekend who was up drawing this all night, but since it’s a single character cover I think he may want to drop the price down on it.  Look for that potentially over the weekend.  We will be doing a HUGE update on Tuesday but please continue to promote this with us over the weekend. We really do believe we can help get some people back into comics and we need your help!  So please tweet, facebook and all that good stuff for us if you can.   I think it means more coming from you than from us.

Have a great weekend!


You can also check out some awesome artwork by Marc Silvestri, showing off the varied characters in the upcoming title.

Just as a reminder, Cyber Force will be launching as a free comic book series for its first five issues and right now Top Cow is looking to raise the necessary funds to make that dream a reality via their Kickstarter page.  Anyone can pledge money, so if this is something you want to support simply click any of the links in the article for more information.

So what do you guys think, are you excited to see this title return?  Is this a bold or terrible move for Top Cow?  Sound off with your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

SOURCE: Cyber Force Returns!