Fables #118 Review


If you’ve always wanted to see a throwdown between a tiger and a giant teddy bear, scratch it off your bucket list, because Fables #118 delivers. The cliffhanger from last issue is also resolved, we get a big reveal, and Bigby seeks help in his search for the cubs. Here’s the official description from Vertigo:

Planning a visit to Toyland? Here are a few simple rules: 1) Bring your own food. Plastic pies and hamburgers won’t fill you up. 2) Stay away from the tattered, broken toys called the Discardia. They’re dangerous and they’re up to something. 3) If you find yourself in trouble, try to find the Fisher King. He’s the only one who can help you now.

The plotting in Fables has been a bit iffy of late, but that’s not a problem here. Bill Willingham finally reveals the secret of Toyland, and it’s a doozy. I won’t spoil it, but I will say it’s perhaps the most morbid and depressing thing I’ve every read in a comic book.  The series’ characteristic humor is still present, but heavily toned down in deference to the reveal. I never would have expected this, but Mr. Ives, the giant teddy bear, is really the dominant character this issue: not only does he put the hurt on Lord Mountbatten, but he also runs out of patience with Therese, to her detriment.

Mark Buckingham is generally excellent on this series, and this issue is no exception. He imbues all the toys with a sense of life, especially Mr. Ives, while also amping up the creepiness factor. His depiction of the increasing haggard Therese is also incredibly haunting.

Shawn McManus‘ art on the three page back-up is equally good. His pencils are as strong as usual but his coloring on a campfire scene is the stand-out this time around. The back-up really is essential this issue, alleviating the gloom of the main story as Bufkin and friends put a bounty on the nome king’s head.

In the past, Fables has gotten my hopes up only to toss them aside like so many discarded toys. Even so, this was a great issue that really boosts the quality of the “Cubs in Toyland” arc so far.




S#!T Talking Central

  • Steve Lemlek

    “If you’ve always wanted to see a throwdown between a tiger and a giant teddy bear, scratch it off your bucket list”….

    You had me at GIANT TEDDY BEAR

  • Zac Boone

    I know, right?