Carmine Infantino: A Legend REMEMBERED!

Carmine Infantino was a comic book legend who died yesterday at the age of 87.

The artist co-created many of the most important characters in comic books today such as Barbara Gordon, Animal Man, Plastic Man, Barry Allen, Elongated Man, Deadman, and the Black Canary. Infantino was the artist of the legendary title known as Showcase #4 featuring the first appearance of Barry Allen.

Infantino worked at editorial at DC in the 70’s, and brought some of the greatest talents in comics to DC. Names like Denny O’Neil, Jack Kirby, Dick Giordano, and Neil adams were brought in under the watchful eye of the incredible artist.

George Perez had the following to say on facebook.

“So sad to learn of the passing of another comic book legend. Carmine Infantino was one of the great influential artists in the history of the medium and I will always look upon his Adam Strange, Flash and Space Museum stories as wondrous examples of fantasy made even more magical at the hands of a master. RIP, Carmine.”

DC comics had this to say about the Industry Legend.

“The entire DC Entertainment family is saddened by the loss of Carmine Infantino,” said Diane Nelson, DC Entertainment President. “His contributions to the comics industry and to DC Comics in particular are immense and impossible to quantify. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and fans during this difficult time.”

Jim Lee who is the artist and executive at DC chimed in as well.

“Carmine was a legend. The number of classic covers he created are innumerable. His influence, reach and impact is humbling and will always live on.”

Finally DC Co-Publisher Dan Didio added his personal experiences to the remembrance.

“There are few people in this world that have had as much of an impact on the industry as Carmine, He bridged both the Golden and Silver Ages of comics, shepherding in some of the most successful periods in our history and setting the course of our characters that is still seen today. He will be greatly missed, but his legacy will remain forever.”

Carmine Infatino will never truly die, as he will live on in the legacy of his work.