Before Watchmen: Rorschach #2 Review

Almost two months later, the second Before Watchmen title starring Rorschach is upon us. The first issue was pretty normal, in a manner of speaking. It was simply our favorite blotted mask hero tracking down a crime boss, nothing more, nothing less. It was accompanied by great writing and fantastic art. At first I was a little disappointed since I thought this series would explore Rorschach as a character, delve deep into his early years. But knowing that it’s simply a ‘Rorschach adventure,’ you can sit back and enjoy this issue. Good writing, great art, and it stars the always awesome Question spin-off, not much else one can want.

Here’s the official description from DC:

“Look over your shoulder. Someone is following.” And don’t miss the latest sensational chapter of the CRIMSON CORSAIR, from writer and artist JOHN HIGGINS.

For the majority of the issue we see Kovacs beaten as opposed to walking around strongly. Despite being heavily injured, he’s still doing his mission. One of my favorite aspects of Watchmen is Rorschach’s narration boxes, they really carried the story from his point of view. How he views the world, it’s always interesting to see the world for what it is. The antagonist is Rawhead, who wasn’t much other than the usual mob boss last issue. Besides having a deranged face, nothing truly special. In this issue he improves a little as a villain, but nothing we haven’t seen a thousand times before in comics, movies, and TV shows alike. The issue starts really heating when Rorschach goes into a building with his mask back on. After seeing the vile thing that’s about to take place, once he enters it’s one of those “Awww yeahhh” moments. When you have a moment like that, you know you’re enjoying the issue.

Lee Bermejo doesn’t disappoint with the art. It has great detail, but doesn’t overdo that the story gets lost in it. The cover is pretty clever, nice use of ketchup and blood. Brian Azzarello’s writing also doesn’t disappoint. It’s little things like the news clipping in Rorschach’s apartment that define the Watchmen world the story is taking place in. Best piece of dialogue is…“Go to Hell.” “I plan to…once you give me the directions.”

Overall, a great second installment. Rorschach continues to be of the best characters in the comic world. Writing is strong, art is good, and as expected, it’s brutal. By the end, you’re left wanting to see Rorschach’s next move. I know I’ll be looking forward to #3.


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