Hannibal “Sorbet” Review

You cannot force a feast, a feast must present itself. Who’s hungry?

Dr. Lector sure has a way with people. It’s subtle touches like that quote that truly make this show beautiful every single week. Which is why more people need to be watching! Hannibal is one of the smartest shows on modern television and it is in danger of being canceled. Remedy this by turning on your tv and enjoying a feast, while in front of your very own television set. This episode has one thing in common with all of the rest, a true sense of greatness. This show has never stumbled in it’s first six episodes which is a quite a television feat.

This week opened on the title character enjoying the company of some old friends in an opera house. Before meeting Graham and friends our resident serial killer was an opera connoisseur, who knew! Revelations were abound this week as the Chesepeake Ripper was in good form, as well as a new kind of serial killer for Graham to investigate. Will notices all these touches about the Ripper in this episode, at some point he needs to suspect the doctor. Showrunner Bryan Fuller recently said that he had the show planned out till season 6, lets hope it does not get stale or afraid of change. Dexter is a great example of what this show should not be. Years of nothing happening plagued Dexter from living up to it’s full potential.

At what point does Graham truly deteriorate mentally? Crawford continues to break his psyche down week after week to the point of no return. Our hero needs to explore what his true limitations are to the fullest and with the help of the good doctor hopefully this will explored to the fullest. Since Will lost track of time and saw the moose from Hobbes yet again, one has to ask if this will be resolved within the first season. The writing staff are going to have some major threads to pull together at the end of the season. If anyone could do it, it is this television show!

This episode had one of the most entertaining final minutes that will leave the audience both laughing and filled with horror. The fact that a show that has serial killers flocking around can produce a moment as funny as the height here is truly astounding. Do not make the same mistake as your friends, peers, bosses, siblings, and grandparents by not watching Hannibal. Come see the best network television has to offer on thursdays, and do not stay for dinner!


S#!T Talking Central

  • http://www.mistersifuentes.com Mr. Sifuentes

    Mads Mikkelsen calculated interpretation of Hannibal is impeccable. That level of acting between all the cast is like watching an intense chess match.

  • http://twitter.com/KaisenSengen K Sengen

    Great review.
    Just one or two notes for correction:
    – LECTER
    – “It’s” means “it is”, “its” (no apostrophe), is the possessive form

    • Liz