ANIME MONDAY: Fairy Tail – “Burst” Review

Previously on Fairy Tail:

Gray and Lyon had their long awaited rematch with Gray coming out victorious. Natsu raced to the cavern to face off against Zalty but he was too little too late, as Deliora has been freed. Spoilers Ahead.

Underneath the temple Natsu (Todd Haberkorn) & Zalty (Mark Stoddard) continue their fierce battle. Zalty has the upper hand at the outset but Natsu eventually pulls through, defeating the wily wizard. After the battle Gray arrives as the pair decide how to deal with the revived beast, Gray once again resorts to using the Iced Shell.

This episode brings the Deliora story to a close and for all itntents and purposes it is a nice end to the saga. Once again there is a pretty nice amount of action as we have Natsu fighting Zalty, and also Natsu fighting Deliora! The fight between Natsu & Zalty is brief but it does give a closer look at Zalty’s magic, which is known as the “Arc of Time”. Which gives him some pretty interesting ways to attack Natsu with a crystal ball, if Natsu breaks it he Zalty can reverse time to before it was broken and he can also send it into the future to make it move faster. It’s a pretty nice battle as Natsu has to use his head to win.

Erza (Colleen Clinkenbeard), Lucy (Cherami Leigh), & Happy (Tia Ballard) also learn of the reasoning behind Toby (Chad Halbrook) and the others joining Lyon. As stated last episode they joined in order to get revenge on Deliora killing their families. This also ties into to the person who gets the most development in the whole episode, Lyon (Jerry Jewell).

Despite being beaten by Gray, Lyon still manages to crawl his battered body to the underground cavern to see Deliora be revived. Unlike Natsu & Gray, he is estatic to see the monster alive and still wants to defeat it despite his injuries. Deliora moves to attack the three but breaks apart when its fist collides with Natsu’s. Turns out that the Iced Shell drained all of Deliora’s energy and the moster was already dead. This hits hard with Lyon who laments on the fact that he will never surpass Ur and that his dream has been stolen. This also leads to a flashback to when he first heard about Ur and started on his dream. we also get a bit more insight into Ur when Lyon reminisces on his initial dislike of Gray when they were young. Here we find out that Ur had a daughter who had supposedly died and Lyon believed that she took in the two boys in order to take her place.

Ur & Lyon

After Deliora’s defeat, the team still has to figure out lift the curse from the villagers. Lyon tells them that the Moon Drip (which was initially thought to be the cause) has no effect on humans seeing as how he was directly exposed to the spell for three years. This also adds to Erza’s suspicions when they return to the village (which was restored by Zalty) when she questions the villagers as to why they never investigated the moon drip, however the villagers reply that they have left the village many times, but every time they got close to the temple…they would suddenly end up right back at the village.

Erza’s “The Giant” Armor

“Burst” is a fitting conclusion to Deliora’s story as we get more development on Ur, Lyon, his followers, and some from Gray. We get some pretty good action in here as well. The mystery of the Galuna Island is also starting to unravel and we also see Erza debut a new armor. The magic continues next week as Erza hatches a plan…to DESTROY THE MOON!
