Old Man Luke Skywalker? First Photo of Fit Mark Hamill

We all love Mark Hamill. Luke Skywalker. The Joker. Hamill’s a much beloved fixture in the wide world of fandom, but when news of his casting in Star Wars Episode 7 was first announced, we couldn’t help but question his looks. I mean… the dude kinda got chunky over the past few years. No big deal, or anything. The man’s 60 years old, he’s allowed to wear 30 lbs of belly joy if he so desires. Hell, I’m a giant, fat, bearded fanboy and I’m 25 years young, so I’ve no room to talk.

Still, if Hamill were to dust off his dirty lightsaber and return Luke Skywalker to the silver screen, he would need to be fit. No Jedi Knight has ever saved the universe with a paunchy form. Well, we won’t have to worry about that, as Hamill’s officially in fighting shape. Check out the laser sword wielding badass in this Disney picture below.

luke skywalker star wars episode 7
Light beard. Old man muscles. Worried brow.

Hamill’s been practicing his badass Jedi persona. If only he returns as the world moving Grand Master that he was in the Expanded Universe. I’d be so happy! For those of you who haven’t read the hit-or-miss books, Luke Skywalker became quite the badass. In all honesty, he’s probably the strongest Jedi ever.

So JJ, if you could find a way to include planet-lifting Luke Skywalker into Star Wars Episode 7, that’d be really cool.

The first shot of the Star Wars Episode VII cast.

The first shot of the Star Wars Episode VII cast.