Kick-Ass 2: New Plot and Cast Details Revealed

Details on the sequel to 2010 superhero hit Kick-Ass (which I like to call Kick-Arse, because y’know, I’m British) have been a bit scarce recently, but happily, we have some details on the plot and cast for the sequel, courtesy of MovieHole.

The main cast members (i.e, Aaron Johnson, Chloe Moretz and Christopher Mintz-Plasse) will all return for the Jeff Wadlow directed sequel, with Garrett M. Brown (Dave’s father) set to return as well. A new part, Uncle Ralph, guardian of Red Mist, is currently under auditions for a Mark-Strong like (read, bad guy with a British accent).

The story will be a little like Superman 2, with someone finding out about the heroes’ identities. Dave’s ‘Kick-Ass’ persona will be revealed to just one person (albeit an important one), but Hit Girl’s will be revealed to the public, leading to a fair bit of teasing behind her back, with people calling her ‘Captain-Muffin Muncher’. Don’t worry, she’ll get her own back later, in some scenes that will ‘make people cheer’, or something along those lines.

Thanks to CBM for the scoop.