Hayley Atwell Talks About Returning As Peggy Carter

Speaking on the Red Carpet at the 2012 Jameson Empire Awards, Peggy Carter actress Haley Atwell has spoken to the press about returning as the love interest from Captain America: The First Avenger, Peggy Carter, in a future movie based in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Watch it below:

“I don’t know, obviously he can stand the test of time. Peggy can’t. She’s either long dead by now or in her eighties. I would love for them to have some kind of bitter-sweet reunion in an old people’s home. He’s obviously looking forward to something fabulous and she doesn’t really have her own teeth any more! It would be bitter-sweet. I’m rooting for that. I’m hoping something like that happens.”

“It was amazing, it was so big. It was a $150 million production. It was bigger than anything I’ve ever seen before. So walking onto set every day was almost like walking onto an adventure land, like Disney land. The set and the props were so big. Beautiful. Chris was great fun, he’s very talented, a good musician, a good singer, good dancer – really annoying!”