Magneto Shouldn’t Be Jewish Anymore. Updating Marvel

Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr is one of the most greatest characters in the Marvel Universe.  He is a villain,that is both sympathetic and to a great extent correct in the world view.  As a survivor of the Holocaust the character’s concerns for his people are justified by the pattern that History has shown.  It is because of  this that Marvel needs to revamp Erik Lehnsherr.  World War II ended 69 years ago, if Magneto is still walking around he’s not as nimble as he used to be and probably needs a nap after lunch.  Magneto’s resonance was his connection to this real world, a connection that growing weaker with each passing year.

I’m not suggesting Marvel retire Magneto.  What I am suggesting is that they take a page from DC’s new 52 and update the character.  There have been numerous genocides since the Holocaust, and if Magneto was a survivor of say the Bosnian Genocide, or the Rwandan Genocide it would bring the character into the modern age as well as create greater awareness of more recent tragedies.  This updated Magneto would be even more justified in his disdain for humanity, as they pledged never again after the Holocaust and yet it occurred again.  When Magneto first appeared in 1963 World War II had only been over for 18 years and the Cold War was in full swing.  He was a creation of a moment in time, and his resonance was a product of this.


The last US Soldiers left Vietnam 41 years ago.  Frank Castle first appeared 40 years ago.  This was an incredibly topical character, a disillusioned veteran who means well but is being manipulated.  While I truly enjoy the world worn version of The Punisher, the man is in his late 50’s or early 60’s at this point.  And this is if he entered combat toward the end of the conflict.  While I would never suggest Frank Castle be retired, his origin needs to be updated.  US Forces left Iraq in January of 2011 and it is currently descending into chaos, kinda how South Vietnam fell to the North two years after the withdrawal of US forces.

I know updating these characters is going to seem odd at first, however the longer its put off the harder it’s going to be to reconcile how distant the key moments in their life were.  Keep in mind in 1991, 46 years after World War II this is the body Erik Lehnsherr was sporting.
