“The Dark Knight Rises” Prologue will Debut on 70mm IMAX

Last week we were treated to the news that a 6-minute prologue of The Dark Knight Rises will be featured at IMAX screenings of Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol. In a revision of that exciting press release, AMC has stated that the sneak peak will only be offered at theatres with 70mm IMAX screens, and not the more common digital variety.  AMC Theatres hasn’t specified the exact reason for this revision, but I’m sure it has something to do with Christopher Nolan’s nostalgia for 70 mm screens.

If your a die-hard Batman fan, or the much rarer die-hard Tom Cruise fan, check your local listings now to find a 70 mm IMAX screening of Mission: Impossible –Ghost Protocol.  The film opens December 16th in IMAX, and December 21st everywhere.

By the way, the new Mission: Impossible looks pretty good.  Here’s the official trailer: