Star Wars: Legacy #12 Review

Is the force strong with this one, or should loyal members of the Triumvirate simply avoid it? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

A meeting with an old friend lands Ania Solo in handcuffs! Now that she’s a wanted criminal, even her pals Sauk and Imperial Knight Jao are wary of her. Held captive by one bounty hunter and pursued by another, Ania is one blaster shot away from a life sentence—or death!

Star Wars Legacy II 12_Preview Page 2I’m going to begin this review by simply saying that this is a high caliber extension of an aged property. The creative team behind it has the unique ability to take the essence of what worked in the original trilogy and implement in just such a way to yield a new intergalactic adventure. It’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but these creators know just what they’re doing, because form the first page to the final panel I was utterly hooked.

Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman have quickly become a couple of my favorite authors especially when it comes to a saga set in a galaxy that’s far away. They easily take their primary players and move their pieces forward while building up questions regarding additional threats in the background. The highlight to me was AG-37, specifically his first interaction with Ania. We’re not given a wall of text but the scribes offer just enough to understand the connection these two share and that right there propels the narrative forward.

If writing wasn’t enough, Gabriel Hardman also tackles the illustrative requirements of the story and might I say the talent does so in style. From political dealings to a desperate attempt to survive a skirmish with a bounty hunter, the visuals are more than up to the task. And a detailed body of work is made even more lively thanks to the color contributions done by the fantastic Jordan Boyd.

Star Wars: Legacy #12 is a second volume continuation that proves that this is not an overweight glob of grease but rather a fine tuned machine that deserves another joyride. Recommended.

  • + Ania proves she is a SOLO!
  • + The creative team nails another entry.
  • + We learn about the history between characters.
  • + Politics, intrigue, betrayal and Imperial Knights... oh my!

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