The Shadow Now #5 Review

As we enter the penultimate issue of this modern day tale the question remains: should fans get behind this iteration of the storied pulp icon? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

The Shadow and Khan begin their endgames as a grudge match, 80 years in the making, enters its final stages. The gang war the Shadow has created threatens to spiral out of control, even as Khan’s manipulation of the underworld threatens to send New York spiraling into chaos. Meanwhile, the Shadow’s hastily-assembled network begins to show its weaknesses and Khan’s granddaughter moves in for the kill. It’s plot and counter-plot in the penultimate issue of the pulp showdown.

The Shadow Now 5_Variant CoverAt this point, this mini-series has proven its worth by retreading familiar territory with just enough of a present age spin to make it engaging. Thanks to a more than competent creative team this arc is quickly turning into a must own romp that’s destined to entertain even the hardcore fanboys and fangirls.

David Liss pens the script and I have to say the author does an outstanding job balancing the corny intricacies of this particular lore while building up what should be an even more riveting finish. He takes a pulp titan and slowly but surely allows him the power followers are used to seeing. And as this game of chess erupts to the city streets we get a cliffhanger that’s got me more than ready for next month’s finish. There were some overly awkward bits of dialogue but to be truthful they were few.

The art is a visual treat that pleases the eye from beginning to end. Colton Worley handles the character building from the detailed forms to the dynamic colors, as the talent easily carries this compelling odyssey. The largest negative I can mention is the fact that there were instances where facial expressions came off a wee bit too stiff, especially in regards to our heroic cast.

The Shadow Now #5 is a more than worthwhile read that should generate deserved excitement as this slightly updated take heads in for its final moments. Recommended.

  • + The art by Colton Worley... 'nuff said!
  • + David Liss excels with this literary character.
  • + The Shadow begins to move toward a final confrontation!
  • - Some corny bits of dialogue can be a distraction.

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