The Mercenary Sea #2 Review

After a high caliber start, is this really an adventure book that warrants your attention? Read on to find out.

The official description from Image:


When the Venture is damaged in a trap laid by the Chinese admiral after Captain Jack Harper’s head, he’s forced to take the job offered by the mysterious American agent, Mr. Taylor, to rescue a British spy trapped behind enemy lines.

The Mercenary Sea 2_Preview Page 1Let me just admit something right off the bat: I’m a sucker for any tale that takes place in the early 1900s with a rag tag team of heroes who happen to be potential scoundrels. And thanks to the efforts of this striking creative team I can report that as I closed this second issue I was smiling. Because this is exactly the type of comic I’ve been craving and I just didn’t know it.

Kel Symons pens the script and the text is suited to the narrative arc. He handles the various cogs expertly, while adding in some necessary tension. Truthfully the cast does feel paper thin at this point, mostly due to overly reliant quirks that echo basic archetypes. But there’s an innate charm from the dialogue that carries all of this toward a proper cliffhanger. And after two issues I’m invested in Captain Jack Harper. So much so that I can’t wait to see where the scribe takes him next as this journey gets underway.

The art by Matthew Reynolds is a style all its own. It reminds me of something that belongs on television, due to its animate nature within these still panels. It’s a rare treat to see a truly fluid and kinetic display that makes use of each page. Add in the dynamic colors and you have a more than worthwhile component that perfectly cements the quality of this property. To sum up: buy this comic book and collect it for the stellar illustrations therein.

The Mercenary Sea #2 is exactly what it needs to be. With a strong second entry under their belt this creative team proves they have something that’s worth sharing. Recommended.

  • + High adventure with a ragtag crew! 'nuff said.
  • + The creative team offers up a more than worthwhile comic.
  • + Excellent international espionage just before the start of World War II.
  • - Somewhat predictable beats take away from some narrative twists.

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