How will the crew deal with Floyd’s change? Read on to find out.
The official description from Image:
Trapped in the wilderness, supplies and ammo dwindling, Lewis and Clark#s expedition appears doomed to failure. And that#s before their infected men begin to turn…
Manifest Destiny has been a very intriguing series so far, with this twist on the Lewis and Clark tale being very entertaining. In saying that there hasn’t been a great deal of development so far, with this trend continuing throughout this issue. Now to be fair there has been the introduction of a proper threat and there’s also been various monsters and legendary characters, but they all remain rather elusive, with there being little known about them.
Chris Dingess does however continue to grab my attention with the latest instalment, with the question of whether to kill Floyd straight away brining a bit of morality into the series. It also allowed the opportunity to see the difference between Lewis and Clark, showing how one prefers a quick resolve whilst the other wants to learn. Despite this the lack of development still has a huge affect, as although Dingess continues to add plenty of suspense and mystery the series as a whole feels as if it’s going round in a circles.
Matthew Roberts art was once again outstanding as despite it not being quite as smooth as it’s been so far, it continued to give tremendous depth and intensity to Dingess’ script. The natural flow of his art along with the tremendous character expressions gave a punchy tone to the story, with it feeling very realistic. The main thing that I love about Roberts art has to be the way that he doesn’t shy away from gore, giving a grotesque overtone to these tree like zombies, making them all the more threatening to the characters. Alongside this Owen Gieni‘s colours gave a vibrant and gritty finish to Roberts exquisite art.
Manifest Destiny may be taking it’s time at giving proper development but nonetheless it remains an exciting and enthralling read that has me itching for more. Recommended.
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