Does this majesty reign supreme? Or is this one barbarian that needs to step away from this battle? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

In the port city of Messantia, the deposed, fugitive Conan could uncover the key to regaining his throne—or he could get a knife in the back! Conan follows a lead to a lost relic, revisits an old friend, and finds that he’s not alone in his risky hunt for a missing, magical gem.

King Conan-The Conqueror 1_Preview Page 1It’s good to have this franchise back! I can’t tell you much I missed the outstanding illustrations and compelling text that only this creative team can supply. I’m not going to lie: this is a somewhat text heavy endeavor but trust me this property, and the era the story thrives in, are in some very capable hands. By Crom, this should be on you pull-list without question.

Timothy Truman delivers a compelling arc that garners attention. The way the scribe gets our hero is a treat all itself. Perhaps it’s because of the continuing narration, but there’s a sense of control in a journey that thrives in a chaotic time. Fans who missed out on the first portion of this saga need not be troubled because in about two pages the author captures the broad bullet points. If we’re talking faults than the biggest obstacle this entry faces is also its strength: a sure path. The fact that we know generally how this ends lessens the danger for Conan.

Can Tomás Giorello illustrate all adventures based in the Hyborian Age? The talent just captures every sensory detail without overloading the page with rigid designs. Instead we witness a body of work that feels free flowing as it gleefully greets the text in ways that got me engaged right from the very beginning. Add into that the fact that we have some soft but consistent colors done by José Villarrubia and you have a vibrant odyssey within our grasp.

King Conan: The Conqueror #1 is a triumph of execution, that places worthwhile odds within our hero’s epic quest. Highly recommended.

  • + By Crom, it's an official adaptation!
  • + King Conan goes old-school is his quest!
  • + The creative team continues their winning streak.
  • - The narrative style lessens the danger our protagonist faces...

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