The wait for the next issue is finally over. But does it live up to the events that occurred in #3? Read on to find out.
The official description from Image:
Brandon and his Uncle Walter have instigated the superhero revolution, but there are those who would still stand against them. On the other side of the world, Chloe and Hutch are hiding with their enormous secret and hoping to evade the man charged with hunting renegade superhumans.
The creative team have created a property that I believe will only get better from this point on. I’m not ready to call it a genre defining experience yet, but right now I can say that as I begin this review and reflect on the comic I just closed it’s inescapable and evident that this is an important franchise that’s already left a mark with me. Add in some moments that remind me of an adult rendition of the Incredibles and you have a winner on your hands.
Mark Millar gives his title a necessary time jump. We see a future where America is overthrown and now controlled by costumed vigilantes. After their coup d’état the world is left largely unbalanced, as Chloe and her new family continue to hide in plain sight. It’s an interesting dynamic that the author plays with, leaving me quite enamored with where this title might go. And interestingly enough we also get a bit of an explanation for the origins of these powers.
The art by Frank Quitely it something to marvel at. The talent perfectly captures this universe by offering levels of detail that serve the text by offering exemplary substance. It’s a wonderful display, so much so that I honestly went back and just stared at renditions wondering about the amount of time that’s clearly applied to each page. Add in the colors by Peter Doherty and this is without a doubt one of the best looking comics right now.
Jupiter’s Legacy #4 is an entry that continues the powerful strides of this volume as we move toward what feels like its second act. Highly recommended.
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