Guardians of the Galaxy #12 Review

This intergalactic affair is officially underway, but is this a crossover that’s worth your time and money? Read on to find out.

The official description from Marvel:


• A surprise ally from one character’s past comes to help, but is that enough against the most powerful army in the Universe?

Guardians of the Galaxy 12_Variant CoverI’m just enamored with this whole event, as we get to relive some pivotal intersections as told by this creative team. We see a heroine confronted with what her future self did as others gather around to judge her. One of our heroes comes face to face with a father he thought was dead. All this happens as the creative team leaves their mark on two franchises that are simply top notch right now.

Say what you will but I love the work of Brian Michael Bendis, sure the man can be overly wordy but his comedic timing and ability to balance a large cast has always struck a cord with me. This outing is no different, as the seasoned scribe struts his stuff by moving all the pieces forward and he even keeps a decent pace to boot. There are some hilarious bits of dialogue but an emotional conversation with Scott Summers feels oddly corny. I kind of think it could have easily been done minus the words on the page. Even so the entire package is brimming with worthwhile content as this arc continually grows in size and scope.

Sara Pichelli and Stuart Immonen deliver some of the best visuals you’ll find at your local comic shop. We’re treated with a tremendous display that bounces from memories to distant planets and present day occurrences without missing a beat. It’s a clean look that easily catches attention while all the characters are given the proper amount of consideration.  Add in the colors by Justin Ponsor and you have a good looking comic book that’s going to keep fans engaged from the first panel to the final page.

Guardians of the Galaxy #12 is an example of a great release. It easily earns a recommendation.

  • + ALL-NEW X-MEN plus GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY... 'nuff said.
  • + Brian Michael Bendis does a fantastic job keeping pace
  • + Contains one of the best dad lines ever!
  • - Cornball dialogue takes away from some serious moments.

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