Garth Ennis’ Red Team #7 Review

Is this concluding entry full of vigilante law enforcement still worth buying in 2014? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

All hell breaks loose as Red Team is targeted by an unexpected enemy, and Trudy and Eddie are forced to fight for their lives. When the dust settles, the survivors must face justice for their crimes from an unexpected quarter. Our heroes learn the true cost of their bloody mission!

Layout 1I’ve had my share of mixed feelings when it came to this property. It has it within itself to be an engaging odyssey that takes a long hard look at some murky waters, but more often than not it falls into stereotypes that just don’t feel as genuine. Thankfully as the dust settles on the seventh and final issue there’s hope that this entire literary exercise hasn’t been entirely in vain.

Say what you will but there are few writer’s as accomplished as the legendary Garth Ennis. He’s touched classic franchises and created some interesting properties all his own, while delving out a barrage of text that some might find exhausting. And that right there is the main thing that’s been wrong with this series. But in this release the scribe’s heavy handed set-up finds a way to crescendo creating what feels like a fitting end. The problems birthed from stereotypical personalities plague the festivities but this conclusions turns out to be unrealistic but decent.

Craig Cermak again tackles the illustrative duties for this police yarn. The talent does a fine job crafting an immensely detailed display that renders up the familiar mechanics while cementing its own personality. Add in the colors done by Adriano Lucas and you have something that on its own merits makes this comic book a purchase that’s just about worth the price of admission. Some of the panels were a bit stiff, but trust me when called upon this particular component was ready to go.

Garth Ennis’ Red Team #7 is a flawed piece that sends this arc out on a decent note. It skates by with a light sentence and passable recommendation.

  • + Occasionally strong story comes to a close.
  • + Craig Cermak dazzles with an impressive set of visuals.
  • - Overly wordy script can be hit or miss.
  • - Ending seems a bit too over the top.

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