Harbinger #15 Review

Harbinger #15 was a lot like spring, coming in as a lamb and going out like a lion! Without overstating it, this was the most jarring issue of Harbinger I have read and it fires on all cylinders.

Official description from VALIANT:
It’s been a brutal few months for Peter Stanchek and the Renegades, culminating in the harrowing events – and losses – of the Harbinger Wars. But now, the members of the team have woken up to the Best. Day. Ever. As Lou Reed sang, it’s just a perfect day, problems left all alone.

Peter and his Renegades, Faith, Torque, Kris and Charlene barely survived their encounter in Las Vegas with Bloodshot during the Harbinger Wars and now seek a little R&R on the west coast. It seems fitting for this issue as well. The Renegades have been fighting and surviving since they came together so it’s a perfect time to just let them have some fun. Writer Joshua Dysart seems to think so and writes a free-for-all spring break style adventure. Surf, sand and wild parties for the crew who need to blow off steam and re-group. He lets things get out of control but with only minor consequences and I enjoyed relaxing right along with them.

But just as Dysart lulls you into a comfort zone he comes out with guns blazing and you don’t know what hit you and neither will Peter and the Renegades. Among all the fun, flirtation and harmless partying Dysart makes sure just to leave things a little askew. No one knows quite why but after the traumatic events in Vegas who wouldn’t left just a bit off. The end of this book will make you double back and see where it all goes so terribly wrong and it’s literally just the beginning.

New series artist Barry Kitson is a welcome addition. There haven’t been any slouches so far on art and Kitson continues the series with great flow and dynamics. He makes the hard partying scenes come alive and the tranquil moments just as peaceful. What he delivers on the final panels will shake you to the core with it’s power. Not missing any beats with Kitson.

After re-reading Harbinger #15 I like it even more. This issue hits all the right notes, with beautiful flow and touches of fun and action. The dynamic between how the book begins and how devastating it ends makes it a great read. Valiant is doing everything right in their universe and Harbinger leads the way. It’s fun, engaging and shockingly dramatic. The issue sets the tone for the new story arc and you can’t afford to pass it by.


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