With the new system, Golden Shield, taking full effect will our main character Ben be able to use this for the greater good! Read on to find out.
Official Description:
“Ben discovers amazing new abilities granted to him via Golden Shield, but his immersion into the system leads to a horrifying realization.”
This new series is pretty fantastic. The way that the story is starting to become really interesting in only two issues is kind of an amazing feat but it’s not the first time it’s happened and won’t be the last. This one is something special though and it is very cool and suave. It reminds me a little of the Matrix, minus the whole post-apocalyptic situation. When we left Ben, he was becoming one with the system called “Golden Shield” that is essentially the NSA on crack and controlled, kind of, by one person. The development of Ben and his new abilities has become an interesting balance. It is, also, a neat idea because it seems to be developing into the way that a super hero story because of the super abilities he is getting but if the abilities had a mind of its. Now the best part of the issue is that there is a big reveal towards the end. It is a self-aware concept that works for this type of thing.
The writing for this is great. It works well for this kind of concept and is developing quite nicely. Hopefully, it will work for the rest of the issues. There is a balance of characters and abilities that is something special that I think is new and fresh.
The art is futuristic and sleek for this kind of story. The balance of future and realism is fantastic. I do really enjoy it!
This series is fun and exciting and being developed nicely.
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