If you’re anything like me, then you’ve been waiting on LucasArts to release a new console Battlefront game for a long, long time. Well, just a few weeks ago we reported that GameInformer might unveil the newest entry in that series in their January issue. Sadly, it was inevitably proven false. But amidst all the fanboy scrutiny, the magazine decided to feed us a few cryptic hints at BF 3‘s existence(and yes, that acronym belongs to Battlefront not Battlefield). So far, this is what we know…
1) Game Developers Spark Studios are working on a sequel to a very high-profile Sci-Fi series.
2) The Game will be an over-the shoulder, 3rd person shooter
3)GameInformer has announced that it will have a high-caliber reveal for it’s next issue
I know we’ve head rumors like this before, and usually they’re unsubstantiated. But this batch seems like it has potential. It’s been 7 long years since the release of Star Wars Battlefront 2, and I was the absolute best among my group of friends (suck it Baxter), so let’s hope that rumors of this third game are true…but perhaps without the ridiculous ‘dark-side’ Jedi of previous developers.
Here’s a look at Star Wars Battlefront 3 when it was under development at Free Radical…before it’s untimely collapse.
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