In case you didn’t know, there’s a new LEGO game coming out this year called LEGO Dimensions. Imagine The LEGO Movie but bigger; a whole host of different franchises thrown together into a smorgasbord of awesomeness. Back to the Future is there, DC, Lord of the Rings, Simpsons – the lot. Today, Entertainment Weekly revealed that yet another pop culture franchise (as if the game needed any more) has been chucked into the mix – Doctor Who!
This is just so awesome. Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor (voiced by the man himself!) riding a dinosaur from Jurassic World is something that I don’t think any fan expected to see, like, ever. As showcased in the brick company’s big-screen venture last year, LEGO is kinda the only opportunity to see all of these different franchises thrown together due to rights issues and such hideous things. Throw in the fact that LEGO itself is simply awesome and you have a super-awesome time ahead.
This is especially cool news because I love Doctor Who. The quality fluctuates yearly but I always think back to what a mind-bending-ly fantastic concept it is and how it can really be any kind of show – it’s a greedy producer’s dream! The time-hopping nature also lends well to this video game. Could the Doctor be a core character when jumping through the different worlds (if that’s how it works)? I guess we’ll find out. Normally I steer clear of buying video games because I wouldn’t really consider myself a gamer, but I might have to try and play this somehow.
Oh, and Jenna Coleman and Michelle Gomez are in too to voice Clara and Missy. Yay!
UPDATE: and now there’s a trailer. Oh my goodness. I need to go and watch this a bazillion more times.
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