Magi Labyrinth of Magic – “The Dungeon Zagan” Review

Previously on Magi:

Kou Empire royals Prince Hakuryu & Princess Kougyoku arrived on Sindria in order to learn more of the world from Sinbad. After Alibaba & Sinbad are cursed by the agent of Al-Sarmen, Alibaba, Aladdin, Morgiana, & Hakuryu set out to the island of Tran in order to capture the dungeon Zagan; whose Djinn can heal any ailment. Spoilers Ahead!

Alibaba & Co. make it inside of Zagan and suffice to say not everything in the dungeon is what it seems. After travelling inside a bit the group finally come across the Djinn in question. After giving them the slip and forcibly separating them, the group has to deal with numerous obstacles before they can advance further ahead.

This episode as the title suggests is all about Zagan. It is certainly a unique place as far as dungeons go and is much more viaually distinct on the inside compared to Amon. Boasting many different rooms and corridors the dungeon is teeming with all kinds of creatures, each one more varied from the last.

The titular Djinn himself is a bit eccentric to say the least, but his goals are anything but quirky. All the humans who have supposedly been “swallowed” by Zagan have been turned into trees by the crazy Djinn (think of him as the Don Cheadle version of Captain Planet). Using the magoi in their body to fortify the dungeon (the parents of the young girl who asked Alibaba & the others are also trapped) . Zagan for one reason or hates humans an that’s why he does the things that he does. He also kidnaps the girl from the village and it’s up to our heroes to save them.


Alibaba & Aladdin show off their training by pulling off a few good moves in the dungeon, Aladdin showing that he’s further along in his training than Alibaba is.

We learn more about Hakuryu in this episode so that’s a plus. His goal is to destroy the Kou Empire so he tries to shoulder the burdens he takes all by himself, which annoys Alibaba since he used to be the same way. When the group gets separated he ends up with Morgiana, while Morg does a lot of the fighting he does show off his abilities and introduces us to Ki. Basically by pouring his life energy into his staff he can increase its power, but it does tire him out. We also learn about his past a bit and how all the burndens for the empire fall on him.

When the group reunites there is a moment when Zagan points out Hakuryu as the weak link in the team, which the young prince suprisingly acknowledges and he starts to cry which is a quite humorous moment. Although Aliaba snaps him out of it by stating his own failings (mostly blaming himself for the death of Cassim) and the group resolves to conquer the dungeon.

“The Dungeon Zagan” is a decent episode that explains about the dungeon, it’s Djinn, and Hakuryu gets some development. The action scenes are good and the animation is more consistent than last episode. The adventure continue next week as Alibaba & Co. continue to trek through the dungeon.
