We demanded it and Marvel Comics listened, with Spider-Gwen‘s own comic book! However, just because it’s here doesn’t mean it’s any good or does it? Read on to find out more.
SPIDER-GWEN SPINS INTO HER OWN SERIES! BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The breakout hit of the biggest Spider-Event of the century is taking comic shops by storm this winter with her own new ongoing series – SPIDER-GWEN! Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman, but you knew that already. What you DON’T know is what friends and foes are waiting for her in the aftermath of Spider-Verse! From the fan-favorite creative team that brought you Spider-Gwen’s origin story in EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE, Jason Latour and Robbie Rodriguez!
I’m going be honest with you, I have never been more excited for a comic book series in my life then when I heard that Spider-Gwen was getting her own story. I am very proud and excited to say that this first issue didn’t disappoint. The story picks up right after the Spider-Verse, where Gwen is being hunted by the public and the police for Peter Parker but not everyone believes that she killed him (which she didn’t). We get some interactions with her father, who she isn’t speaking to and a look at the “Mary Jane’s” who are trying to get it together with Gwen leaving. However, the exciting part is that the VULTURE makes an appearance and tries to destroy our heroine. I won’t ruin it but you should read it.
Jason Latour continues the story of an awesome heroine with his suave writing style. You start to really get a feel for the character and he does some really great stuff with Gwen. My only complaint is that the issue was a little spastic in the beginning but then leveled out. All things considered Latour did a great job.
Robbie Rodriguez delivers fantastic art that really adds another dimension to the book. It looks sleek and eye popping from the first page to the final panel. It has that futuristic look without it being a future comic. To sum up: it was totally gorgeous!
Spider-Gwen #1 is a fantastic start to a kick-ass heroine.
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