Pac-Man Bra …Another Excuse to Put Mouths on Boobies

Etsy is an amazing site. Here at UTF we occasionally browse through their new vendors, and we tend to find some pretty great stuff.  Just the other week we posted those Star Wars themed hats, hand knitted and fully customized of course! And today, as we browsed amongst the many products, we came across this little treasure…a Pac-Man Bra!

Made by RainbowKidShop, this little item is a must have…and did I forget to mention that it glows in the dark? I have to say, this is a good deal sexier than the average, run of the mill lingerie. Now, if there were only a matching pair of panties…I could get all of my Valentine’s Day shopping done right now.

For more info, check out the vendor’s page here.