LUKE CAGE Lead Actor Cast!!! Do You Know Who He Is?

Marvel’s found their Luke Cage!

Idris Elba revealed as much earlier this week during an interview (one of those Reddit AMAs). One particular avid Elba fan asked whether or not our dearest Heimdall could portray Power Man in the upcoming Netflix series. The actor responded with a pithy little statement…

“Uh, I think there’s an actor already signed on for it, fortunately or unfortunately.”

Thank God! I love Idris Elba. I absolutely do. And even though he’s already portraying Heimdall in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I’m willing to suspend my disbelief if Marvel selects him for another role, but Luke Cage is a poor fit.

Idris Elba is a movie star. He should lead his own film franchise, not a tv series (he’s well past Luther by now). He would’ve been an incredible addition as Batman in the Man of Steel sequel, but Affleck is a competent replacement. Even though the inevitable Black Panther movie deserves a younger actor, Elba would blow my mind as a seasoned T’Challa.

But Luke Cage? Nope. Elba conveys a regal, classy, “totally better than you, but you’re okay with it” aura. That doesn’t really mesh with Luke Cage. He’s a former hoodlum, gang banger, and petty thief. Elba seems above that. He’d better portray a flying space cop than a sewer level vigilante.

In any case, since Elba’s denied his involvement while simultaneously confirming the role as filled, who the hell is our new Luke Cage? Who did Marvel chose?
luke cage heroes for hire