He’s Back!!! Thomas Jane Returns as The PUNISHER

Thomas Jane is back as The Punisher.  Kinda.

At this year’s San Diego Comic Con he starred as a skull shirted anti-hero in the short film Dirty Laundry.  There was no mention of Frank Castle or his long sordid history, probably because this was an unlicensed ‘fan flick’, but every fanboy in the crowd knew what was implied.

Unfortunately for the lot of you unable to attend, this video was destined to remain a one-time wonder.  Something to rile up the roaming herds of nerdom and the occasional studio exec, but not for popular release.

Well, we’ve tracked it down, and we’d like to share it.  So without further adieu, here, in all of its bloody, coagulated glory is Thomas Jane as the Punisher.

If you haven’t heard, the film rights to Frank Castle and all of his baddie murdering tales have returned to Marvel, so a proper reprisal by Jane isn’t that far out of the question.

All we have to do is sit… and wait… and beg Kevin Feige to bring back our favorite psychopath.