Batman Has A Boner… Ha Ha Ha *cough* Ha!

It looks like Bruce Wayne’s taken a dive off the deep end after Alfred’s departure from the Manor (Oooops, minor TDKR spoiler), and without a father figure to rein in his playboy antics, Batman’s gone to the streets to enjoy some drunken daytime sexual harassment.

And there’s a boner.

A Bat Boner.

That is all.

If The Dark Knight Rises didn’t quite live up to your expectations, then hopefully this little pocket sausage filled jaunt has can cut the difference.

Or not.

I’m not a mind reader, people! Although, I occasionally find myself in bouts of transcendent navigation on the astral plane, but that is a different tale, for another time.

Saturday, perhaps?  I’m free at around 11, after my weekly Croquet Club Brunch.