Arrow actually had an astounding twenty three episode season. That is a massive burden for any television show to carry by itself. How something can stay focused for almost half of a year is beyond my body of knowledge, however this should not affect the quality of a show. That being said this episode took some massive leaps forward, yet still it continues to fall short. So many television shows establish a great villain and simply go through the motions never resolving their character arc. Throughout all of the light shed on Robert Queen and the undertaking there is still more that writers and actors can articulate. The island plot of the show also took a pretty big leap forward as the audience is moving into the next phase of whatever that will be.

The episode started strong with some great lines from the impeccable Malcolm Merlyn. At the end of the day this character is a moustache twirling, good looking villain that tore the show apart. For establishing your show throughout a first season this is a fine direction to take things in, simply because melding an entire cast of characters is going to be so hectic. Next season different things are going to be required, like fleshing out so many of these character. A short list of who needs a new direction would include the two main cast members Ollie and Laurel. These characters have become snarky, unlikable, slimeballs who have been consistently annoying. Oliver himself does not in fact really know what he was fighting for. So much of the Undertaking is still a complete mystery to Oliver and the audience.


In addition to not knowing what he is fighting Oliver continues to lie to virtually everyone he loves, and just backstabbed his best friend. His morals are very fuzzy due to the inherent truth that he is also a serial killer. Then there is Laurel who is an ignorant mess. The character can’t make her up her mind and really hurt Tommy Merlyn. The prodigal son of Malcolm was walking around like he wasn’t really awake in this episode. Watching him spiral into the greatest descent of his life was invigorating. When had been stripped to his core, at the end of the day he paid his dues to those he truly loved. In the next season of this show the character will likely be hailed as a saint. The younger Merlyn is so enjoyable because he is a riff on the classic Harry Osborn character archetype. Arrow has done few things right this year, but Tommy was handled expertly the past seven or so episodes.

Now that we are an astounding twenty three episodes wiser to the show it is time for this to hang up the tropes that being on the CW brings. How many different times can we see the abs of Stephen Amell in action, or the characters not being fully fleshed out. The reason why this show has never lived up to its true potential is because the people in it lack depth. Comic Books have absurdly dumb plots and are disposable unless the characters are fully fleshed out. If Arrow could work out some of the kinks and introduce a stronger supporting cast next year, there is a good chance that it would be the best show on television.
